PAES 102:2000 – Operator’s Manual – Content and Presentation
(PAES 102-2000)
Question 1: In the context of mobile and stationary machines, what does the term "left-hand side" refer to?
A) The side that is on the left when an observer is facing the machine.
B) The side that is on the right side in the normal forward direction of travel.
C) The side that is on the left when an observer is facing in the normal forward direction of travel of the machine; and for stationary machines, it is the side on the left when an observer is facing the machine.
D) The side that is opposite to the direction of movement of the machine
Explanation: The side that is on the left when an observer is facing in the normal forward direction of travel of the machine; and for stationary machines, it is the side on the left when an observer is facing the machine.
Question 2: What does the term "right-hand side" refer to in the context of mobile and stationary machines?
A) The side that is on the left when an observer is facing the machine.
B) The side that is always accessible to the operator when the machine is in use.
C) The side that is opposite to the direction of movement of the machine.
D) The side that is on the right when an observer is facing in the normal forward direction of travel of the machine; and for stationary machines, it is the side on the right when an observer is facing the machine.
EXPLANATION: The side that is on the right when an observer is facing in the normal forward direction of travel of the machine; and for stationary machines, it is the side on the right when an observer is facing the machine.
Question 3: What is required regarding safety signs that appear on equipment in the operator's manual?
A) Safety signs must be included only in the safety section of the manual.
B) Safety signs can be omitted from the manual if they are visible on the equipment.
C) Safety signs must be reproduced in legible size, with explanations included if they do not contain written messages, and may appear in multiple sections of the manual.
D) Safety signs should be reproduced in small size to fit more information in the manual.
SOLUTION: Safety signs must be reproduced in legible size, with explanations included if they do not contain written messages, and may appear in multiple sections of the manual.
Question 4: What must be clearly stated regarding the use of the machine?
A) Any known hazards relating to the use of the machine and any restrictions on its use by specific classes of persons.
B) The brand and model of the machine.
C) The maintenance schedule for the machine.
D) The number of operators required for the machine.
Explanation: Any known hazards relating to the use of the machine and any restrictions on its use by specific classes of persons.
Question 5: What should operating information for a machine or equipment include?
A) Only the general specifications of the machine.
B) General specifications and description of the machine, identification of controls, instructions for proper operation, troubleshooting information, and a performance curve (if applicable).
C) Maintenance schedules and repair procedures only.
D) Safety regulations and compliance standards.
Explanation: General specifications and description of the machine, identification of controls, instructions for proper operation, troubleshooting information, and a performance curve (if applicable).
Question 6: How should maintenance instructions be organized for the machinery?
A) They should be divided into logical groups appropriate to the machinery, such as checks, inspections, and tests; other routine maintenance tasks; and fault diagnosis and correction.
B) They should be grouped by the manufacturing process of the machinery.
C) They should follow a chronological order based on usage.
D) They should only include the safety precautions related to maintenance.
Explanation: They should be divided into logical groups appropriate to the machinery, such as checks, inspections, and tests; other routine maintenance tasks; and fault diagnosis and correction.
Question 7: What should be stated regarding maintenance tasks that require specialist knowledge or resources?
A) This requirement should be stated, and any work that may affect the warranty on the machinery should also be noted.
B) They do not need to be documented.
C) It is not important to mention anything about warranties.
D) Only authorized persons can perform the tasks without documentation.
Explanation: Specialized tasks- Where maintenance tasks require specialist knowledge or resources, this shall be stated. If any work carried out by an authorized person would affect the warranty on the machinery, it is important that this be stated.
Question 8: What information should be included in the storage category for machinery?
A) Only the operator's responsibilities.
B) Instructions and information on precautions, tools or equipment needed for storage, a list of storage requirements, and procedures for preparing the machinery for use after storage.
C) Instructions for operating the machinery without any precautions.
D) General information about storage that does not relate to machinery.
Explanation: Storage - This category shall provide the operator with instructions and information, including precautions to be taken and any tools or special equipment required, to prepare the machinery for storage. A list of storage requirements should be provided, including information about supplies and services needed, periodic inspections, tests, limitations on storage life, etc. Procedures for preparing the machinery for use after storage should also be given.
Question 9: What is the requirement for indexing in documents longer than 32 pages?
A) An alphabetical index should be included, placed at the end of the manual.
B) No index is required for any document length.
C) An index should be placed at the beginning of the manual.
D) The index can be in any format as long as it is included.
Explanation: Alphabetical index - A document of more than 32 pages should have an alphabetical index. The index should be placed at the end of the manual.
Question 10: What should be included in the operator’s manual if no separate parts list or catalogue exists?
A) A brief description of the machinery.
B) Only the dimensions and ratings of certain components.
C) A parts list containing sufficient information for each item, including part number, description, sources of supply, and ratings, dimensions, and standards for specific items.
D) An inventory of all items in the manual without details.
Explanation: Parts list - Where no separate parts list or catalogue exists, a parts list shall be included within the operator’s manual. When included, a parts list should contain sufficient information (such as part number and description) for each item so that the correct replacement part can be obtained. Sources of supply should be indicated. Ratings, dimensions, and recognized standards should be quoted for items such as bolts, nuts, seals, and O-rings.
Question 11: What is the recommended document format based on the complexity of machinery and equipment?
A) A5 format is suitable for all cases regardless of complexity.
B) A4 format is recommended for complex machines and static equipment, while A5 format is adequate for most other cases.
C) 1/3 A4 format is preferred for complex machines.
D) Only A4 format should be used for all types of machinery.
Explanation: Paper size -A5 format is suitable for most cases, although 1/3 A4 format is adequate for simpler machinery and equipment. A4 format is recommended for complex machines to allow coverage with an acceptable number of pages. A4 format is also suitable for static equipment where there is no storage problem. NOTE A5 (210 mm x 148 mm) and A4 (297 mm x 210 mm)
Question 12: What are the requirements for the front cover of a manual?
A) The cover should be flexible and smaller than the pages.
B) The cover can be made from any material regardless of size or stiffness.
C) Only a plastic cover is acceptable for all manuals.
D) The front cover must be made from a stiff, durable material and the same size as the pages; a paper cover of the same stiffness is acceptable for small manuals.
Explanation: Front cover - The front cover should be made from a stiff, durable material, and be the same size as the pages of the manual. A cover of greater stiffness than the pages is generally appropriate, although a paper cover of the same stiffness as the pages is acceptable for small manuals.
Question 13: What are the requirements for the rear cover of a manual?
A) The rear cover can be made from any material and does not need to match the front cover.
B) The rear cover must be larger than the front cover for visibility.
C) The rear cover should be of the same material and size as the front cover, and may include a pocket for storing a separate parts list if appropriate.
D) tThere are no specific requirements for the rear cover.
Explanation: Rear cover - The rear cover should be of the same material and size as the front cover. If appropriate, there should be a pocket inside for storage of a separate parts list.
Question 14: What qualifications are suggested for the author of a manual?
A) The author must be an expert in the specific machine and have no prior experience in agriculture or engineering.
B) The author can write the manual without any knowledge of the machine or its operation.
C) The author should be generally conversant with agriculture and engineering, have knowledge of technical writing principles, and ideally have operated or be familiar with the machine's operation.
D) Only authors with degrees in technical writing are qualified to write the manual.
Explanation: Author - The author could be generally conversant with agriculture and engineering but need not be an expert on the machine in question. He or she should have some knowledge of technical writing principles. It is also useful if the author has operated the machine or is otherwise familiar with its operation.
Question 15: What are the margin requirements for a manual?
A) Inner margins should be 5 mm, and outer margins can be any size.
B) There are no specific margin requirements for the manual.
C) All margins should be 10 mm regardless of their position.
D) Inner margins should be 10 mm to 15 mm, outer margins should be 6 mm to 10 mm, and top and bottom margins should equal the inner margins.
Explanation: Margins - The margins should be wide enough to allow for binding. Inner margins (left-hand on oddnumbered pages, right-hand on even-numbered pages) should be 10 mm to 15 mm to allow clear readability when the bound manual is open. Outer margins (right-hand on oddnumbered pages, left-hand on even-numbered pages) should be sufficient (6 mm to 10 mm)
to ensure that page content is not cut during the printing and binding process. Top and bottom margins should be equal to inner margins.
Question 16: What is the recommended text format for A4 papers and larger page sizes?
A) Text on A4 format paper should be presented in two columns only.
B) All pages should have multiple columns regardless of size.
C) Text on A4 format paper should usually be presented in a single column, while larger page sizes may use two columns or a single-column format.
D) A4 format papers must use a multi-column format.
Explanation: Columns - Text on A4 format paper should usually be presented in a single column. On larger page sizes, two columns should be used, although a single-column format is also acceptable
Question 17: What are the guidelines for presenting numbers in a manual?
A) Numbers should be written in Arabic numerals, with exceptions for starting a sentence; in that case, reorder the sentence or express the number in words. Also, numbers with more than four digits should be grouped in threes.
B) All numbers should be presented in words instead of numerals.
C) Any format is acceptable as long as it is consistent throughout the manual.
D) Only whole numbers should be used, with decimals written as fractions.
Explanation: Numbers - All numbers shall be written in Arabic numerals. The only exception is when a sentence starts with a number; in such cases, the sentence should be reordered to move the number from the beginning of the sentence, or, if this proves impossible, the number may be expressed in words. Numbers consisting of more than four digits (except dates) should be shown in group of three, counting from the decimal marker to the left: for example, 21 000. This practice will void confusion in areas where a comma is used as a decimal marker.
Question 18: What are the guidelines for using terms like "left-hand," "right-hand," "clockwise," and "counterclockwise" in a manual?
A) Left-hand and right-hand can be abbreviated in any context.
B) These terms do not require any definitions or explanations.
C) Only "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" need definitions, while "left-hand" and "right-hand" can be abbreviated.
D) Left-hand and right-hand should not be abbreviated in the text except in charts, and should be defined for static or unusual equipment. Clockwise and counterclockwise should explain the direction of view.
Explanation: Left-hand and right-hand - Left-hand and right-hand should not be abbreviated in the text, except in charts. For static or unusual equipment, these terms should be defined. Clockwise and counterclockwise require an explanation of the direction of view.
Question 19: What are the guidelines for using WARNING and CAUTION instructions in a manual?
A) WARNING and CAUTION instructions emphasize important safety points and should be placed immediately before the relevant text, indicated by the safety alert symbol in the left-hand margin, and set in bold upper case type.
B) WARNING and CAUTION instructions can be placed anywhere in the manual without specific formatting.
C) These instructions do not need to be positioned near relevant illustrations.
D) Only WARNING instructions are necessary; CAUTION is optional.
Explanation: Warning and Caution - Instructions identified as WARNING and CAUTION emphasizes important safety points where personal injury may be involved. These instructions call attention to instructions which need to be followed precisely to avoid a hazardous situation. WARNING and CAUTION instructions should be placed immediately before the text to which they apply and should be signaled in the left-hand margin by the safety alert symbol. These instructions should be placed in prominent positions that relate directly to any illustrations to which they apply. The appropriate heading should always be included and set in bold upper case type.
Question 20: What are the guidelines for using IMPORTANT instructions in a manual?
A) IMPORTANT instructions can be presented without a heading or specific formatting.
B) These instructions should be placed randomly throughout the manual without regard to context.
C) IMPORTANT instructions should highlight necessary steps to avoid damage, be worded or located clearly to indicate their application, and set to the same measure as the related text, with the heading always in bold type.
D) IMPORTANT instructions do not need to be emphasized in any specific way.
Explanation: Important - Instructions identified as IMPORTANT call attention to instructions which must be followed precisely to avoid damaging the product, process, or its surroundings. These instructions should be worded or located to indicate their point of application and be set to the same measure (column or page width) as the related text. The heading should
always be included and set in bold type.
Question 21: What are the guidelines for using NOTE instructions in a manual?
A) NOTE instructions present supplementary information and should clearly indicate their application, be set to the same measure as the related text, and always include a heading in bold type.
B) NOTE instructions can be placed anywhere without any formatting.
C) NOTE instructions are optional and do not need to follow any specific guidelines.
D) Only numerical data should be included in NOTE instructions.
Explanation: Notes - Instructions identified as NOTE present supplementary information. These instructions should be worded or located to indicate their point of application and be set to the same measure (column or page width) as the related text. The heading should always be included and set in bold type.
Question 22: What are the guidelines for numbering pages in a manual?
A) Page numbers can be integrated into the text without distinction.
B) Page numbers are optional and do not need a specific formatting style.
C) Page numbers should be visually separate from the text, numbered consecutively throughout short manuals, and consecutively within each main division in long manuals. Identifying pages by division number followed by a hyphen and the page number is recommended (e.g., “Page 7-12”).
D) Only the first page needs to be numbered in a manual.
Explanation: Page numbering - Page numbers should be visually separate from the text. The numbering system should be designed to make selection of the correct page as simple as possible. In short manuals, pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the manual. In long manuals, pages should be numbered consecutively within each main division. It may be helpful to identify pages by the number of the main division followed by a hyphen and then the page number: for example, “Page 7-12” is the twelfth page of section 7.
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