The science, which deals with the occurrence, distribution and disposal of water on the planet earth. 

a. Hydrology 

b. Hydrometeorology 

c. Geology 

d. Hydrogeology 

Answer: a. Hydrology

It is the vertical and horizontal movement of water as either vapor, liquid, or solid between the earth’s surface, subsurface, atmosphere, and oceans.

a. Water Cycle 

b. Water Transfer Cycle 

c. Hydrologic Cycle 

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

It is the lateral movement of water in the soil.

a. Seepage 

b. Infiltration 

c. Percolation 

d. Runoff 

Answer: a. Seepage

In which phases in the hydrologic cycle has the highest residence time of water

a. Antarctic ice 

b. Groundwater 

c. Glaciers d. Ocean 

e. Atmospheric water

Answer: b. Groundwater

Percentage of earth covered by oceans is

a. 31% 

b. 51% 

c. 71% 

d. 97% 

Answer: c. 71%

Percentage of total quantity of water in the world that is saline is about

a. 71%

b. 33% 

c. 67% 

d. 97% 

Answer: d. 97%


In the hydrological cycle the average residence time of water in the global is?

a. Atmospheric moisture is larger than that in global rivers 

b. Oceans is smaller than that of the global groundwater 

c. Rivers is larger than that of the global groundwater 

d. Oceans is larger than that of the global ground water

Answer: b. Oceans is smaller than that of the global groundwater

An area that topographically appears to contribute all the water that passes through a specified cross section of a stream (the outlet).

a. Watershed 

b. Catchment area 

c. Drainage basin 

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

Portion of the precipitation that makes way towards stream channels, lakes, oceans as surface or subsurface flow.

a. Streamflow 

b. Runoff 

c. Infiltration 

d. Seepage 

Answer: b. Runoff

Base flow is also called as

a. Groundwater flow 

b. Interflow 

c. Overland flow 

d. Superfluous water 

Answer: a. Groundwater flow

It provides the relationship between stream stage and discharge. 

a. Stage 

b. Hydrograph 

c. Rating curve 

d. Unit hydrograph

Answer: c. Rating curve

In a watershed,

a. Faster peak flows occur in flat watershed than in steep watershed. 

b. Faster time to peak flows occur in an elongated watershed than circular watershed. 

c. Longer time to peak flows occur in watershed with dense drainage than in less dense drainage. 

d. Larger watershed produces larger runoff than smaller watershed. 

Answer: d. Larger watershed produces larger runoff than smaller watershed. 

A graduated scale placed in a position so that the stage of a stream may be read directly there from.

a. Staff gauge 

b. Current meter 

c. Wire-weight gauge 

d. Measuring stick 

Answer: a. Staff gauge

Graphical representation of runoff rate over time.

a. Unit hydrograph 

b. Rating curve 

c. Log-probability graph 

d. Hydrograph 

Answer: d. Hydrograph

Hydrograph was made of _________________.

a. Direct runoff only 

b. Overland flow, interflow and base flow 

c. Interflow and base flow 

d. Direct runoff and interflow 

Answer: b. Overland flow, interflow and base flow

Direct runoff hydrograph from a unit excess precipitation that occurs uniformly over a basin.

a. Streamflow hydrograph 

b. Total hydrograph 

c. Unit hydrograph 

d. Hydrograph 

Answer: c. Unit hydrograph

Unit hydrograph is made of ____. 

a. Direct runoff only 

b. Overland flow, interflow and base flow 

c. Interflow and base flow 

d. Direct runoff and interflow 

Answer: a. Direct runoff only

A chart or function describing the temporal distribution of precipitation during a storm event, at a point, or over an area.

a. Hyetograph 

b. Hydrograph 

c. Hodograph 

d. None of the above

Answer: a. Hyetograph

The science and practice of water flow measurement is ____. 

a. Hypsometry 

b. Fluvimetry 

c. Hydro-meteorology 

d. Hydrometry 

Answer: d. Hydrometry

The following is not a direct stream flow determination technique

a. Dilution method 

b. Ultrasonic method 

c. Area-velocity method 

d. Slope-area method

Answer: d. Slope-area method

Direct runoff is composed of ____. 

a. Surface runoff, prompt interflow and channel precipitation

b. Surface runoff, infiltration and evapotranspiration 

c. Overland flow and infiltration 

d. Rainfall and evaporation

Answer: a. Surface runoff, prompt interflow and channel precipitation

The term base flow denotes ___. 

a. Delayed groundwater flow reaching a stream 

b. Delayed groundwater flow and snowmelt reaching a stream 

c. Delayed groundwater and interflow 

d. Annual minimum flow in a stream 

Answer: a. Delayed groundwater flow reaching a stream

An intermittent stream ___. 

a. Has water table above the stream bed through out the year 

b. Has only flash flows in response to storms 

c. Has flows in the stream during wet season due to contribution of groundwater 

d. Does not have any contribution of groundwater at any time

Answer: c. Has flows in the stream during wet season due to contribution of groundwater

For a given storm, assuming other factors remain constant

a. Basin having low drainage density give smaller peaks in flood hydrograph 

b. Basin with large drainage densities give smaller flood peaks 

c. Low drainage density basins give shorter time bases of hydrograph 

d. Flood peak is independent of the drainage density 

Answer: a. Basin having low drainage density give smaller peaks in flood hydrograph

A unit hydrograph has one unit of

a. Peak discharge

 b. Direct runoff 

c. Rainfall duration

d. Time base of direct runoff 

Answer: b. Direct runoff

Groundwater is also known as

a. Water table 

b. Saturated zone 

c. Vadose zone 

d. Phreatic water 

Answer: d. Phreatic water

A rise in a liquid above the level of zero pressure due to a net upward force produced by the attraction of the water molecules to a solid surface. 

a. Surface tension 

b. Capillary rise 

c. Upwelling 

d. Down welling 

Answer: b. Capillary rise

A water bearing geologic formation or stratum capable of transmitting water through its pores at a rate sufficient for economic extraction by wells.

a. Aquiclude 

b. Aquifer 

c. Aquifuge 

d. Aquitard

Answer: b. Aquifer

Geologic formation arranged in decreasing economic considerations. 

a. Aquifer, Aquiclude, Aquitard, Aquifuge 

b. Aquifer, Aquitard, Aquiclude, Aquifuge 

c. Aquifer, Aquifuge, Aquiclude, Aquitard 

d. Aquifuge, Aquiclude, Aquitard, Aquifer 

Answer: a. Aquifer, Aquiclude, Aquitard, Aquifuge

Well drilled into an artesian aquifer and water rises above the ground like a spring. 

a. Free flowing well 

b. Non-free flowing well 

c. Water table wells 

d. Shallow well 

Answer: a. Free flowing well

Measures the water bearing capacity of a geologic formation.

a. Porosity 

b. Void ratio 

c. Specific retention 

d. Specific yield 

Answer: a. Porosity

The percentage volume of water of an aquifer, which will not drain by gravity. 

a. Specific retention 

b. Specific yield 

c. Storage coefficient 

d. Transmissibility 

Answer: a. Specific retention

It is the volume of water that an aquifer releases from or takes into storage per unit surface area of aquifer per unit change in the component of head normal to that surface

a. Specific retention 

b. Specific yield 

c. Storage coefficient 

d. Transmissibility 

Answer: c. Storage coefficient

A stream that provides water to the water table is termed

a. Affluent 

b. Influent 

c. Ephemeral 

d. Effluent  

Answer: b. Influent

Surface joining the static water levels in several wells penetrating a confined aquifer

a. Water table surface 

b. Piezometric surface 

c. Capilliary fringe 

d. Cone of depression 

Answer: b. Piezometric surface

Flowing artesian wells are expected in areas where

a. Water table is very close to the land surface 

b. Aquifer is confined 

c. Elevation of the piezometric head line is above the elevation of the ground surface 

d. The rainfall is intense 

Answer: c. Elevation of the piezometric head line is above the elevation of the ground surface

Water present in artesian aquifer is usually

a. At sub atmospheric pressure 

b. At atmospheric pressure 

c. At 0.5 times the atmospheric pressure 

d. Above atmospheric pressure 

Answer: d. Above atmospheric pressure

The volume of water that can be extracted by force of gravity from a unit volume of aquifer material is called

a. Specific retention 

b. Specific storage 

c. Specific yield 

d. Specific capacity 

Answer: c. Specific yield

Which pair of terms used in groundwater hydrology are not synonymous?

a. Permeability and hydraulic conductivity 

b. Actual velocity of flow and discharge velocity 

c. Water table aquifer and unconfined aquifer 

d. Storage coefficient and storativity

Answer: b. Actual velocity of flow and discharge velocity

Darcy’s law is valid in porous media flow if the Reynolds number is less than unity. This Reynolds number is defined as

a. (discharge velocity x maximum grain size)/μ 

b. (actual velocity x average grain size)/μ 

c. (discharge velocity x average grain size)/μ 

d. (discharge velocity x pore size)/μ 

Answer: c. (discharge velocity x average grain size)/μ

It is the flow capacity of an aquifer per unit width under unit hydraulic gradient and is equal to the product of permeability times the saturated thickness of the aquifer.

a. Specific retention 

b. Specific yield 

c. Storage capacity 

d. Transmissibility 

Answer: d. Transmissibility

Maximum sustained winds are

a. 10-min average of wind measured 10m above the ground 

b. 3-sec average of wind measured 10m above the ground 

c. 10-min average of wind measured 2m above the ground 

d. 3-min average of wind measured 2m above the ground 

Answer: a. 10-min average of wind measured 10m above the ground

Specific capacity of a well is the 

a. Volume of water that can be extracted by the force of gravity from unit volume of aquifer 

b. Discharge per unit drawdown at the well 

c. Drawdown per unit discharge of the well 

d. Rate of flow through a unit width and entire thickness of the aquifer

Answer: b. Discharge per unit drawdown at the well

Maximum head of shallow wells,

a. 6m 

b. 12m 

c. 18m 

d. 15m

Answer: a. 6m

It is the overall instantaneous condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time

a. Climate 

b. Climatology 

c. Weather 

d. Hydrometeorology 

Answer: c. Weather

Layer of the atmosphere where all weather occurs

a. Troposphere 

b. Stratosphere 

c. Mesosphere 

d. Thermosphere 

Answer: a. Troposphere

Temperature at which saturation occurs

a. Dew point 

b. Dry-bulb 

c. Wet bulb 

d. Average

Answer: a. Dew point

Light steady rain in fine drops that are < 0.5 mm in size and intensity of <1 mm/hr.

a. Drizzle 

b. Hail 

c. Dew 

d. Rain 

Answer: a. Drizzle

A tropical cyclone is a

a. low-pressure area that occurs in the northern hemisphere only 

b. High-pressure area with high winds 

c. Zone of low pressure area with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere 

d. Zone of low pressure area with anticlockwise winds in the northern hemisphere

Answer: d. Zone of low pressure area with anticlockwise winds in the northern hemisphere

Orographic precipitation occurs due to air masses being lifted to higher altitudes by

a. Density difference of air masses 

b. A front action 

c. The presence of mountain barriers 

d. Extratropical cyclones  

Answer: c. The presence of mountain barriers

Total water lost from a cropped (or irrigated) land due to evaporation from the soil and transpiration by the plants or used by the plants in building up of plant tissue.

a. Evapotranspiration 

b. Consumptive use 

c. Evaporation 

d. A and B 

Answer: d. A and B

The recommended standard method for the definition and computation of the reference evapotranspiration.

a. Blaney-criddle 

b. Modified penman 

c. FAO Penman-Monteith 

d. Hargreaves 

Answer: c. FAO Penman-Monteith

Data compilation method for frequency analysis where all values above a given base are chosen regardless of the number within a given period. 

a. Partial duration series 

b. Annual maximum series 

c. Series of data with baseline 

d. A and B

Answer: a. Partial duration series

It is the average interval of time within the magnitude of given event will be equaled or exceeded at least on the average.

a. Payback period 

b. Probability of return 

c. Time of return 

d. Return period 

Answer: d. Return period

PAGASA raises a Yellow Rainfall Warning if the observed rainfall is ____________ . 

a. 7.5mm – 15mm within 1 hr 

b. 15mm – 30mm within 1 hr 

c. More than 30mm within 1hr 

d. More than 60mm for the past 3 hrs 

Answer: a. 7.5mm – 15mm within 1 hr

Ombrometer is

a. Rain gauge that measures very small amounts of precipitation 

b. Device that measures rainfall intensity 

c. Device that measures rainfall rate 

d. Measures temperature 

Answer: a. Rain gauge that measures very small amounts of precipitation

The greatest distance at which an observer can see and identify prominent objects.

a. Horizontal visibility 

b. Clouds 

c. Fog 

d. Dew 

Answer: a. Horizontal visibility

Air in motion relative to the earth’s surface

a. Front 

b. Storm 

c. Turbulence 

d. Wind 

Answer: d. Wind

Wind speed is measured using 

a. Thermometer 

b. Pluviometer 

c. Anemometer 

d. Barometer  

Answer: c. Anemometer

Hygrometer is ______. 

a. Any device use to measure the vapor content of the atmosphere 

b. Use to measure the amount of discharge in a stream 

c. Any device use to measure solar radiant energy 

d. Device use to measure atmospheric pressure 

Answer: a. Any device use to measure the vapor content of the atmosphere

In synoptic weather stations, wind vector is measured _____ above the ground surface.

a. 2m 

b. 5m 

c. 1m 

d. 10m 

Answer: d. 10m

Rain bearing clouds.

a. Cumulonimbus 

b. Nimbostratus 

c. Altostratus 

d. A and B 

Answer: d. A and B

General name for any instrument used to measure the intensity of radiant energy from the sun, 

a. Actinometer 

b. Hydrometer 

c. Psychrometer 

d. Photometer 

Answer: a. Actinometer

Lead time for a TCWS # 5 is ____________ .

a. 36hrs 

b. 24hrs 

c. 18hrs

d. 12hrs  

Answer: d. 12hrs

The ratio of the mass of water vapor in a given volume of air to the mass of dry air.

a. Relative humidity 

b. Mixing ratio 

c. Absolute humidity 

d. Specific humidity

Answer: b. Mixing ratio

In calculating ET using FAO Penman-Monteith model, wind speed measurement should be taken _______above the ground.

a. 10 m 

b. 1 m 

c. 2 m 

d. 5 m

Answer: c. 2 m

The envelope of gases that surround a planet and are held to it by the planet’s gravitational attraction.

a. Atmosphere 

b. Clouds 

c. Troposphere 

d. Air 

Answer: a. Atmosphere

Transition zone between two distinct air masses.

a. Ridge 

b. Divide 

c. Tropopause 

d. Front 

Answer: d. Front

At 20°C, the required amount of energy to vaporize 1kg of water is ______.

a. 1 KJ 

b. 2.45 KJ 

c. 10.5 KJ 

d. 5 KJ 

Answer: b. 2.45 KJ

Term synonymous to return period. 

a. Recurrence interval 

b. Probability of return 

c. Time of return 

d. Payback time 

Answer: a. Recurrence interval

Rainfall reading of less than one-hundredth of an inch (0.01 in) or one-tenth of a millimeter (0.1mm).

a. Hourly rainfall 

b. Daily rainfall 

c. Trace 

d. Sleet 

Answer: c. Trace

An increase in air temperature with height.

a. Lapse rate 

b. Inversion

c. A and B 

d. None of the above

Answer: b. Inversion

A line that connects points of equal elevation above a reference level, most often sea level.

a. Isohyet 

b. Isobar 

c. Contour 

d. Streamline

Answer: c. Contour

The process of water lost from adjacent soil, water surfaces and leaf surfaces.

a. Evaporation 

b. Transpiration 

c. Evapotranspiration 

d. All of the above

Answer: a. Evaporation

Evaporation gauge is synonymous to ___. 

a. Atmometer 

b. Evaporimeter 

c. Atmidometer 

d. All of the above 

Answer: d. All of the above

The moisture content of the soil when the gravitational water has been removed. 

a. Available water 

b. Field capacity 

c. Permanent wilting point 

d. Readily available moisture

Answer: b. Field capacity 

It is the ratio of the dry weight of soil particles to the weight of an equal volume of water. 

a. Particle density 
b. Bulk density 
c. Real specific gravity 
d. Apparent specific gravity

Answer: d. Apparent specific gravity

These are pipelines built on or near the ground surface to convey water across wide depressions? 

a. Inverted siphons 
b. Siphons 
c. Laterals 
d. Flumes

Answer: d. Flumes

Subsurface drain system wherein laterals join the submain on both sides alternately. 

a. Gridiron 
b. Herringbone 
c. Parallel drain system 
d. Double main system

Answer: b. Herringbone 

Darcy’s law states that the flow of water through a porous medium is? 

a. Proportional to the medium’s hydraulic conductivity 
b. Inversely proportional to the length of flow path 
c. Both a and b 
d. Neither a nor b

Answer:  c. Both a and b 

One liter per second is equal to? 

a. 16.85 gpm 
b. 15.50 gpm 
c. 15.85 gpm 
d. 17.35 gpm

Answer: c. 15.85 gpm 

It is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the soil. 

a. Void volume 
b. Bulk density 
c. Porosity 
d. Void density

Answer: c. Porosity 

It is the water retained about individual soil particles by molecular action and can be removed only by heating. 

a. Permanent wilting point 
b. Hygroscopic water 
c. Hydrophobic water 
d. Microscopic water

Answer: b. Hygroscopic water 

It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers, streams and lakes. 

a. Main canal 
b. Diversion canal 
c. Irrigation structures 
d. Headworks

Answer: d. Headworks

It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain against a tension of 15 atmospheres. 

a. Readily available moisture 
b. Permanent wilting point 
c. Available moisture 
d. Field capacity

Answer: b. Permanent wilting point 

The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil particle with a diameter of 

a. 0.02 to 2 mm 
b. 0.2 to 2 mm 
c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm 
d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm

Answer: b. 0.2 to 2 mm

Ten m^3/hr is equal to 

a. 2.78 lps 
b. 44.03 gpm 
c. Both a and b 
d. Neither a nor b

Answer: c. Both a and b

The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level due to pumping. 

a. Groundwater decline 
b. Drawdown 
c. Subsidence 
d. Depression

Answer: b. Drawdown

Any convenient level surface coincident or parallel with mean sea level to which elevations of a particular area are referred 

a. Datum 
b. Elevation 
c. Horizontal surface 
d. Slope

Answer: a. Datum

It is a geologic formation which transmits water at a rate insufficient to be economically developed for pumping. 

a. Aquifer 
b. Aquiclude 
c. Aquifuge 
d. Aquitard

Answer: b. Aquiclude

It is the ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the weight of the water with volume equal to the soil bulk volume. 

a. Particle density 
b. Bulk density 
c. Real specific gravity 
d. Apparent specific gravity

Answer: d. Apparent specific gravity

It accounts for the losses in an irrigation system from the water source and prior to delivery of water into the field ditches. 

a. Evaporation 
b. Application efficiency 
c. Diversion efficiency 
d. Conveyance efficiency

Answer: d. Conveyance efficiency

A geologic formation that contains water but do not have the capacity to transmit it. 

a. Aquifuge 
b. Aquifer 
c. Aquitard 
d. Aquiclude

Answer: d. Aquiclude

The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level due to pumping 

a. Groundwater decline 
b. Drawdown 
c. Subsidence 
d. Depression

Answer: b. Drawdown

What is the recommended value for standing water during land preparation? 

a. 5 mm 
b. 10 mm 
c. 15 mm 
d. 8 mm

Answer: b. 10 mm

Farm water requirement minus the application losses is the. 

a. Diversion water requirement 
b. Farm irrigation requirement 
c. Application efficiency 
d. Land preparation water requirement

Answer: b. Farm irrigation requirement

Four liters per second is equivalent to 

a. 14.4 m3/hr 
b. 63.41 gpm 
c. Both a and b 
d. Neither a nor b

Answer: c. Both a and b

This results from overlapping radii of influence of neighboring wells. 

a. Drawdown 
b. Groundwater decline 
c. Well interference 
d. Drawdown curve

Answer: c. Well interference

In furrow irrigation, the rate of water application should be __ the intake rate of the soil. 

a. Less than 
b. Greater than 
c. Equal to 
d. Not related to

Answer: a. Less than

The International Soil Science Society describes sand as a soil particle with a diameter of 

a. 0.02 to 2 mm 
b. 0.2 to 2 mm 
c. 0.002 to 0.02 mm 
d. 0.002 to 0.2 mm

Answer: a. 0.02 to 2 mm

Irrigation method is used for row crops wherein only a part of the surface is wetted 

a. Basin flooding 
b. Furrow irrigation 
c. Border irrigation 
d. Border-strip flooding

Answer: b. Furrow irrigation 

It refers to the composite parts of the irrigation system that divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers, streams and lakes 

a. Main canal 
b. Diversion dam 
c. Irrigation structures 
d. Headworks

Answer: d. Headworks

It is a measure of the amount of water that the soil will retain against a tension of 15 atmospheres 

a. Readily available moisture 
b. Permanent wilting point 
c. Available moisture 
d. Field capacity

Answer: b. Permanent wilting point 

The infiltration equation based on the exhaustion process is the 

a. Lewis-Kostiakov’s 
b. Horton’s 
c. Philip’s 
d. Darcy’s

Answer: b. Horton’s 

The amount of drainage water to be removed per unit time per unit area is the 

a. Drainage requirement 
b. Drainage coefficient 
c. Drain spacing 
d. Drainage volume

Answer: b. Drainage coefficient

In Hooghoudt’s drain spacing formula, it is assumed that 

a. The water table is in equilibrium with the rainfall or irrigation water 
b. The drains are evenly spaced 
c. Darcy’s law is valid for flow through soils 
d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

A mathematical expression for the macroscopic flow of water through a porous system 

a. Steady state groundwater flow equation 
b. Darcy’s Law 
c. Laplace’s equation 
d. Scobey;s equation

Answer: b. Darcy’s Law 

It is the soil moisture constant describing the amount of moisture retained by the soil against a suction pressure of 1/3 atmosphere 

a. Field capacity 
b. Hygroscopic water 
c. Permanent wilting point 
d. Saturation point

Answer: a. Field capacity 

Run-off is the difference between the gross depth of irrigation water and the 

a. Net depth requirement 
b. Crop evapotranspiration 
c. Depth that infiltrated 
d. Water use rat

Answer: a. Net depth requirement 

It is the type of sprinkler irrigation system where the number of laterals installed is equal to the total number of lateral positions 

a. Hand move system 
b. Periodic move 
c. Special type 
d. Set system

Answer: d. Set system

It is a surface irrigation system where the area is subdivided by dikes and water flows over these dikes from one subdivision to another.

a. Border irrigation 
b. Furrow irrigation 
c. Basin irrigation 
d. Corrugation irrigation

Answer: c. Basin irrigation 

Distribution control structures placed across an irrigation ditch to block the flow temporarily and to raise the upstream water level.

a. Turnouts 
b. Checks 
c. Culverts 
d. Weirs

Answer: b. Checks 

Which is not a component of the impact arm of an impact sprinkler? 

a. Nozzle 
b. Counterweight 
c. Vane 
d. Spoon   

Answer: a. Nozzle 

In surface irrigation, the ratio between the gross amount of irrigation water and the net requirement of the crop is the 

a. Application efficiency 
b. Deep percolation 
c. Seepage 
d. Runoff   

Answer: a. Application efficiency 

It is an orderly sequence of planting crop in an area for a 365-day period 

a. Cropping pattern 
b. Crop combination 
c. Crop sequence 
d. Cropping schedule   

Answer: a. Cropping pattern

In furrow irrigation, it is the difference between the depth of water that infiltrated and the net depth requirement

a. Runoff 
b. Application losses 
c. Deep percolation 
d. Seepage   

Answer: c. Deep percolation 

In-line canal structure designed to convey canal water from a higher level to a lower level, duly dissipating the excess energy resulting from the drop in elevation 

a. Drop 
b. Flume 
c. Weir 
d. None of the above  

Answer: a. Drop 

Amount of rainwater that falls directly on the field and is used by the crop for growth and development excluding deep percolation, surface runoff and interception 

a. Average rainfall 
b. Effective rainfall 
c. Rainfall depth 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Effective rainfall 

Applicator used in drip, subsurface, or bubbler irrigation designed to dissipate pressure and to discharge a small uniform flow or trickle of water at a constant rate that does not vary significantly because of minor differences in pressure 

a. Drippers 
b. Emitters 
c. Nozzle 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Emitters 

Closed conduit designed to convey canal water in full and under pressure running condition, to convey canal water by gravity under roadways, railways, drainage channels and local depressions  

a. Siphon 
b. Inverted siphon 
c. Elevated flumes 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Inverted siphon 

Amount of water required in lowland rice production which includes water losses through evaporation, seepage and percolation and land soaking  

a. Land soaking water requirements 
b. Land preparation water requirements 
c. Irrigation water requirements 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Land preparation water requirements

Portion of the pipe network between the mainline and the laterals  

a. Connector 
b. Valve 
c. Manifold 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Valve

Constant flow depth along a longitudinal section of a channel under a uniform flow condition   

a. Normal depth 
b. Critical depth 
c. Uniform depth 
d. None of the above

Answer: a. Normal depth

Water flow that is conveyed in such a manner that top surface is exposed to the atmosphere such as flow in canals, ditches, drainage channels, culverts, and pipes under partially full flow conditions   

a. Open channel flow 
b. Canal flow 
c. Pipe flow 
d. None of the above

Answer: a. Open channel flow

Tube or shaft vertically set into the ground at a depth that is usually less than 15 m for the purpose of bringing groundwater into the soil surface whose pumps are set above the water level   
a. Shallow tubewell 
b. Deep well 
c. Pipe 
d. None of the above

Answer: a. Shallow tubewell

Ratio of the horizontal to vertical dimension of the channel wall 

a. Slope 
b. Channel gradient 
c. Side slope 
d. All of the above 

Answer: c. Side slope

Slope of the water surface profile plus the velocity head in open channels 

a. Energy grade line slope 
b. Water surface slope 
c. Channel bottom slope 
d. Hydraulic grade line slope

Answer: a. Energy grade line slope

Slope of the free water surface in open channel 

a. Energy grade line slope 
b. Water surface slope 
c. Channel bottom slope 
d. Hydraulic grade line slope

Answer: d. Hydraulic grade line slope

Occurs when flow has a constant water area, depth, discharge, and average velocity through a reach of channel 

a. Normal flow 
b. Critical flow 
c. Uniform flow 
d. Varied flow 

Answer: c. Uniform flow

Accounting of water inflows, such as irrigation and rainfall; and outflows, such as evaporation, seepage and percolation. 

a. Water cycle 
b. Water balance 
c. Water flow 
d. All of the above

Answer: b. Water balance

Area which contributes runoff or drains water into the reservoir. 

a. Watershed 
b. River network 
c. Streams 
d. All of the above

Answer: a. Watershed

Diameter of the circular area wetted by the sprinkler when operating at a given pressure and no wind. 

a. Wetted diameter 
b. Wetted perimeter 
c. Diameter of throw 
d. All of the above 

Answer: a. Wetted diameter

Portion of the perimeter of the canal that is in contact with the flowing water. 

a. Wetted diameter 
b. Wetted perimeter 
c. Diameter of throw 
d. All of the above

Answer: b. Wetted perimeter

Moisture left in the soil before the initial irrigation water delivery which describes the extent of water depletion from the soil when the water supply has been cut-off. 

a. Current soil moisture content 
b. Residual moisture content 
c. Allowable moisture depletion 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Residual moisture content

Pressure required to overcome the elevation difference between the water source and the sprinkler nozzle, to counteract friction losses and to provide adequate pressure at the nozzle for good water distribution. 

a. Average pressure 
b. Design pressure 
c. Pressure requirement 
d. None of the above 

Answer: b. Design pressure

An overflow structure built perpendicular to an open channel axis to measure the rate of flow of water. 

a. Weir 
b. Flume 
c. Orifice 
d. None of the above

Answer: a. Weir

In-line structure with a geometrically specified constriction built in an open channel such that the center line coincides with the center line of the channel in which the flow is to be measured. 

a. Weir 
b. Flume 
c. Orifice 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Flume

Measuring device with a well-defined, sharp edged opening in a wall through which flow occurs such that the upstream water level is always well above the top of this opening. 

a. Weir 
b. Flume 
c. Orifice 
d. None of the above

Answer: c. Orifice

A device with individual scales on the rods to provide data to plot furrow depth as a function of the lateral distance where data can then be numerically integrated to develop geometric relationships such as area verses depth, wetted perimeter versus depth and top width verses depth. 

a. Infiltrometer 
b. Profilometer 
c. Penetrometer 
d. None of the above 

Answer: b. Profilometer

Application of water by gravity flow to the surface of the field. 

a. Surface irrigation 
b. Furrow irrigation 
c. Basin irrigation 
d. None of the above

Answer: a. Surface irrigation

Method of irrigation where water runs through small parallel channels as it moves down the slope of the field. 

a. Surface irrigation 
b. Furrow irrigation 
c. Basin irrigation 
d. None of the above

Answer: b. Furrow irrigation

Recommended slope for furrow irrigation method. 

a. 0.05 % to 3.0 % 
b. 2.0% to 5.0% 
c. ≤ 0.1% 
d. None of the above 

Answer: a. 0.05 % to 3.0 %

Volume of water stored in reservoir between the minimum water level and normal water level. 

a. Active storage 
b. Dead storage 
c. Storage capacity 
d. None of the above 

Answer: a. Active storage

Maximum elevation the water surface which can be attained by the dam or reservoir without flow in the spillway. 

a. Maximum storage elevation 
b. Dam crest elevation 
c. Normal storage elevation 
d. None of the above

Answer: c. Normal storage elevation

Part of water impounding system that stores the runoff. 

a. Watershed 
b. Reservoir 
c. Dam 
d.None of the above 

Answer: c. Dam


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